Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Genève
With ca. 6,000,000 specimens, the herbaria of the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève (CJB) rank among the most important botanical collections in the world, inheritated from a botanical tradition that dates back to the 18th century. It includes plant and fungal specimens from across the world, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean area, Near- and Middle-East, South America and Europe.
To find out more
In addition to active participation on WFO Working Groups and Council, CJBG have developed a module of their Botalista database system for TENs working in the Taxonomic Backbone of the WFO that lack their own curation tool. Staff at CJB also lead a TEN curating Aquifoliaceae.
To find out more about Botalista
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Genève would like to thank and acknowledge the financial support of the Franklinia Foundation and the City of Geneva for funding development of Botalista software for WFO data ingestion.
Visit Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Genève’s website.
Located in: Geneva, Switzerland
Associated WFO Contacts:
- Gäel Boquet (Technical Working Group Member)
- Pierre-André Loizeau (TEN Focal)
- Raoul Palese (Technical Working Group Member)
- Nicola Schoenenberger (Council Member, Taxonomic Working Group Member, Communications Working Group Co-Chair)