Online Floras
This signpost list includes the titles and some descriptive text about floristic works for various parts of the world that are currently available online, but not necessarily in a format that allows their incorporation into the WFO portal. These are floras are presented in a variety of formats, including databases and PDF documents.
Any information on each floristic work included below is taken from the introductory text included on each site. No acknowledgement of the organisations and individuals that have been responsible for each of these resources is given and users should find such information on the sites themselves. In addition, the WFO Consortium takes no responsibility for any of the accuracy of data presented in any of these sites.
Please note that not all Floras in this list are included in the WFO portal.
The resources are organised below by continent or region and then ordered by level of incorporation into the World Flora Online project following the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (WGSRPD).
Jump to region:
- Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines (CDFP; Pelser et al. 2011 onwards;) is a digital checklist of Philippine vascular plants that aims to present a continuously updated account of all native and naturalized species of vascular plants in the Philippines with diagnostic photographs for each taxon. This illustrated checklist is a continuation of the works of Elmer D. Merrill (1876-1956) and Leonardo L. Co (1953-2010), authorities on the Philippine vascular Flora. The CDFP website is composed of separate pages for pterophytes and lycophytes (pteridophytes), and gymnosperms, and one page each for the angiosperm families. Species-rich families such as the Fabaceae and Orchidaceae, however, occupy three pages each. For a growing number of species, in-situ photos are available to put ‘faces’ to the plants in the checklist, to show diagnostic characters and to display intra-specific morphological diversity. Additional pages provide background information and include a biography of Leonardo Co, an overview of Philippine biogeography, and an account of the history of botanical exploration in the Philippines.
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- Plants of Papua New Guinea
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides access to the following: PNGplants database: An internet accessible herbarium plant collection database of plants from Papua New Guinea. PNGtrees project: An interactive identification guide to the common trees of Papua New Guinea. Plant collectors of Papua New Guinea: Information about Papua New Guinean plant collectors and support staff. Census of Vascular Plants of Papua New Guinea. Names of vascular plants of Papua New Guinea. And Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea - Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3.
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- Flora Malesiana
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Flora Malesiana (FM) is an international flora project aiming to name, describe and inventory the complete vascular plant flora of Malesia, the region including Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea. The Malesian biodiversity hotspot harbours a staggering vascular plant diversity estimated at more than 45,000 species. Published Flora Malesiana volumes, CD-ROMs and other output cover about 29% of the species in Malesia.
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- Flora of Peninsular India
- WFO Status: not yet imported
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- Flora of Nepal
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- NZFlora
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site on the flora of New Zealand is described as providing the definitive reference to New Zealand plants, including the latest scientific information about indigenous and naturalised plants found in New Zealand. Its goal is to provide New Zealand with a dynamic, continually updated, electronically-based Flora. It will be based on new systematic research and will bring together information from our network of databases and online resources. Users will have easy access to the most authoritative, accurate, and up to date information on New Zealand plants.
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- Flora of Australia
- WFO Status: partially imported into the WFO
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- Flore de Madagascar et des Comoresis
- WFO Status: not yet imported
PDF accounts can be accessed by searching the library catalogue of MNHN for Flore de Madagascar et des Comoresis.
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- La Réunion
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Un exemple de SINP régional est celui de La Réunion, qui a récemment mis en place (2017) la plateforme Borbonica . Pour la flore, cet outil intègre des données issues de l'index de la flore vasculaire de La Réunion (CBNM), ainsi que l'index des bryophytes de la Réunion (CBNM, Université de La Réunion), ainsi que l'index des bryophytes de la Réunion (CBNM, Université de La Réunion).
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- Flora of the Caprivi Strip, a part of Namibia
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Caprivi, sometimes known as the Caprivi Strip, which is part of Namibia. This is one of 6 e-floras which cover the Flora Zambesiaca area in south-central Africa. Five countries are now covered, namely Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe together with this e-flora about the Caprivi Strip.
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- Flora of Zimbabwe
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Zimbabwe. This is a sister site to the Flora of Botswana, Caprivi, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia websites, which together cover the Flora Zambesiaca area.
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- Flora of Zambia
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Malawi. This is one of 6 e-floras which cover the Flora Zambesiaca area in south-central Africa. Five countries are now covered, namely Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The 6th e-flora deals with the Caprivi Strip, which is part of Namibia.
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- Flora of Mozambique
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Mozambique. This is a sister site to the Flora of Botswana, Caprivi, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe websites, which together cover the Flora Zambesiaca area.
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- Flore du Maghreb
- WFO Status: not yet imported
"La flore est un outil indispensable à l'évaluation et la protection de la biodiversité. Aussi, l'objectif de ce projet est de développer rapidement un document pour déterminer les plantes d'Algérie puis du Maghreb ( env. 6400 taxons au Maghreb, dont 4300 taxons sur l'Algérie), cela sans attendre que le présent travail soit totalement terminé. Ce document se veut être un travail collaboratif entre botanistes. Il devrait regrouper autant les illustations existantes, les descriptions et la distribution géographique, ainsi qu'une nomenclature mise à jour, disponible pour tous. La Flore d'Algérie de Quézel et Santa, publiée en 1963, est toujours le seul outil disponible pour l'identification des plantes, mais elle est épuisée et entre temps de nombreuses découvertes ont été faites et de nouvelles conceptions systématiques ont été réalisées. On estime pour l'Algérie un ajout d'environ 400 taxon au moins. La réalisation de cet outil de détermination des plantes pouvant être utlisé avec les nouvelles technologies (tablettes, iphones etc) devrait également être l'occasion de motiver et de former de jeunes botanistes du maghreb, et de développer une dynamique d'échanges de connaissances. La forme ""web"" de ce document devrait permettre d'y intégrer les illustrations existantes ainsi que des photo couleurs, même si celles-ci sont souvent insuffisantes pour la détermination, elles sont utiles pour le débutant et rendent le document plus ""abordable"".
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- Flora Maroccana
- WFO Status: not yet imported
An introduction to the flora can be found here.
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- Flora of Malawi
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Malawi. This is one of 6 e-floras which cover the Flora Zambesiaca area in south-central Africa. Five countries are now covered, namely Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The 6th e-flora deals with the Caprivi Strip, which is part of Namibia.
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- Flora de Guinea Ecuatorial
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Flora de Guinea Ecuatorial es un proyecto de investigación coordinado desde el Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Desde 1986 hasta 2001 la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI), ha financiado una intensa labor de campo en Bioko y Río Muni. Fruto de ello son más de 20000 especímenes de herbario así como una base de datos con más de 56000 registros recopilados de la bibliografía. En 1998 nos marcamos la meta de elaborar una flora moderna de Guinea. Desde el año 2002, el Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología primero, después de Educación y Ciencia y de Ciencia e Innovación y en la actualidad de Economía y Competitividad ha financiado, y financia, esta Flora.
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- Flora of Botswana
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Botswana. This is one of 6 e-floras which cover the Flora Zambesiaca area in south-central Africa. Five countries are now covered, namely Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The 6th e-flora deals with the Caprivi Strip, which is part of Namibia.
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- Base de données des plantes d'Afrique
- WFO Status: not yet imported
La base de donnée des plantes à d'Afrique compte plus de 202559 noms de plantes avec leur statut nomenclatural. Elle est le fruit d'une collaboration entre les Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, le South African National Biodiversity Institute, Tela botanica et le Missouri Botanical Garden. Ces données ont pour origine: Pour l'Afrique tropicale: J.-P. LEBRUN & A. L. STORK (1991-2015). Enumération des plantes à fleurs d'Afrique tropicale et Tropical African Flowering Plants: Ecology and Distribution, vol. 1-7. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève. Pour l'Afrique australe: G. GERMISHUIZEN & N.L. MEYER, eds, (2003). Plants of Southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Pretoria. Pour l'Afrique du nord: DOBIGNARD, A. & C. CHATELAIN (2010-2013) Index synonymique et bibliographique de la flore d'Afrique du Nord. vol. 1-5. Pour Madagascar Catalogue des Plantes vasculaires de Madagascar. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. La mise à jour est régulièrement réalisée sur la base de la littérature existante et des nouvelles publications. Toutes informations nouvelles ou corrections sont les bienvenues. La Recherche peut être réalisée par le nom scientifique ou la famille. Informations sur : données, standards, traitements, cartes.
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- Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Flora Zambesiaca
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Flore d'Afrique Centrale
- WFO Status: partially imported into the WFO
This is an ongoing series and approximately 65% of the species occurring in the region have been treated. The series is also available in a free PDF version. Available data has been incorporated into the WFO porta
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- Flore du Gabon
- WFO Status: partially imported into the WFO
This site includes the e-version of Flore du Gabon, with information about the flowering plants and ferns of Gabon.
The series Flore du Gabon (vols 1 to 58) is also available in PDF format, through the Open Access Zenodo platform. Please follow this link: to obtain any volume you choose!
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- e-Flora of South Africa
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora of Tropical East Africa
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora of West Tropical Africa
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora of the U.S.S.R.
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Volumes 1-30 and index of volumes 1-30. In English, translated from Russian, in PDF formats. (1968). By: Botanicheskii institut (Akademiia nauk SSSR). - Mifal tirgume ha-mada ha-Yisreeli. - Smithsonian Institution. Libraries. Publication info: Springfield Va: Israel Program for Scientific Translations; 1968.
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- FloraGREIF - Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia was founded by the DFG in the programme “Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS)”: 07/2007 - 11/2010, 11/2011 - 11/2014 and is a joint project of: Universität Greifswald, Universität Halle, Mongolian Academy of Science, University of Khovd, BGBM Berlin-Dahlem, Universität Kassel and Universität Osnabrück.
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- Flora of Israel
- WFO Status: not yet imported
“Flora and Vegetation of Israel” is a shared initiative of the late Prof. Emeritus Avinoam Danin and his son Barak Danin. The aim of this website is to provide scientific information concerning the plant life of Israel and its neighbors: their photographs, distribution and habitat data, morphological diagnostic characters etc. The database of this website is an outcome of more than 50 years of research by Prof. Danin and computerizing by his son Barak.
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- Illustrated Flora of Turkey
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Illustrated treatments for Korea
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Flora of China
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora of the U.S.S.R.
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Volumes 1-30 and index of volumes 1-30. In English, translated from Russian, in PDF formats. (1968). By: Botanicheskii institut (Akademiia nauk SSSR). - Mifal tirgume ha-mada ha-Yisreeli. - Smithsonian Institution. Libraries. Publication info: Springfield Va: Israel Program for Scientific Translations; 1968.
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- Flora of Northern Ireland
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site includes a checklist of the flora of Northern Ireland as well as distribution maps for each taxon, common names and images.
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- Flora Iberica
- WFO Status: not yet imported
ANTHOS es un programa desarrollado para mostrar información sobre la biodiversidad de las plantas de España en Internet. Esta iniciativa ha nacido al amparo del proyecto de investigación Flora iberica para mostrar a la sociedad, en un formato dirigido a una amplia gama de públicos, los conocimientos los conocimientos que se generan en dicho proyecto.
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- Base de données pour les végétaux d'Europe
- WFO Status: not yet imported
eVeg donne accès à une base de données concernant l'ensemble des végétations de France métropolitaine avec une extension à l'Europe (voire holarctique et eurasiatique pour certaines unités), établie selon les principes de la phytosociologie synusiale intégrée. Consulter eVeg L'INPN s'appuie notamment sur Le Système d'Information sur la Nature et les Paysages (SINP), décliné au niveau de chaque région, pour alimenter ses données.
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- SI-Flore
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Système d'information national flore, fonge, végétation et habitats, données du réseau des CBN.
27 million de données floristiques pour la France Métropolitaine et l’Ile de la Réunion ce qui correspond à un total de 10,765 espèces.
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- Flora of France
- WFO Status: not yet imported
eFlore eFlore est une flore électronique qui recense des informations sur les espèces de la flore de France et de plusieurs régions francophones. En recherchant le nom commun ou scientifique d’une plante vous pouvez obtenir un large contenu, descriptions des espèces, écologie, chorologie, nomenclature. Libre de droit et en partie produit par le réseau Tela Botanica.
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- Euro+Med PlantBase
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity The Euro+Med PlantBase provides an on-line database and information system for the vascular plants of Europe and the Mediterranean region, against an up-to-date and critically evaluated consensus taxonomic core of the species concerned. Euro+Med Plantbase integrates and critically evaluates information from Flora Europaea, Med-Checklist, the Flora of Macaronesia, and from regional and national floras and checklists from the area as well as additional taxonomic and floristic literature. This is complemented by the European taxa of several families taken from the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families and of the Leguminosae from the International Legume Database and Information Service ILDIS. By 1st of February 2018 it had provided access to the total European flora of vascular plants in 222 plant families.
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- Illustrated Flora of Turkey
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Webb's an Irish Flora
- WFO Status: partially imported into the WFO
Webb’s an Irish Flora is the 8th edition of this work, and was published in 2012. It keys out, describes and gives habitat flowering time and geographical information on all the species of higher plant that grow on the whole island of Ireland; some are illustrated and if a common name exists in Irish or English it is stated. It includes all native species, and aliens and hybrids for which there are five or more post 1987 records. The arrangement of families follows, where applicable, the APGIII scheme. This work was amongst the first floras to be phylogenetically arranged by any of the APG systems and remains the only work specifically covering Ireland. For copyright reasons only the descriptions will be included in the World Flora Online Portal.
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- Flora Helvetica
- WFO Status: partially imported into the WFO
Info Flora is a private, non-profit foundation that documents and promotes wild plants in Switzerland. Founding members of the foundation include the city of Geneva, Pro Natura, and the Swiss Botanical Society (SBS) and the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (sc-nat). The foundation is based in Geneva.
German language plant descriptions have been incorporated. French language descriptions are pending.
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Southern America
- The Flora of the Venezuela Guayana
- WFO Status: not yet imported
- The Flora of the Venezuela Guayana website includes treatments of some families of this botanically rich and geologically ancient part of South America.
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- Peru
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Flora of Peru: The Flora of Peru series by Francis McBride and collaborators (initiated in 1936) published by the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, is available in PDF format at the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
A Peru checklist: A searchable website of the gymnosperms and angiosperms of Peru is available here. - Visit this flora’s website
- Paraguay
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Flora del Paraguay project hosted by the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève includes PDFs of 55 published volumes as well a searchable checklist.
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- Guianas
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Flora of the Guianas Online: The Flora of the Guianas is a book series dedicated to the taxonomic treatment of all plant species occurring within the borders of French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana. All information available in this dataportal is being compiled from the published fascicles of the Flora, authored by several specialists.
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- Ecuador
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador is a searchable website of the plants of Ecuador Advance search includes taxon, habitat, habit, status, province, elevation.
Árboles y arbustos de los Andes del Ecuador (Trees and Shrubs of the Andes of Ecuador) website includes family and generic descriptions of woody plants above 2400 m is available here.
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- Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia is a searchable website of the Plants and Lichens of Colombia based at the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
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- Chile
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Chile (Catalogue of the vascular plants of Chile): a checklist in PDF format of 5471 species in 186 families and 1121 genera.
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- Bolivia
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Bolivia is a searchable website of the checklist of plants of Bolivia.
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- Argentina
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The information on the families, genera and species that make up Flora Argentina and the so-called "Southern Cone" of South America (Argentina, southern Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay).
Both projects are articulated through the Documenta Florae Australis © (DFA) database, developed for more than 20 years at the Darwinion Institute of Botany, and have printed versions. The Southern Cone Catalog was published in 2008, while the Flora Argentina is in full swing, having published so far, 40% of the plants occurring in that country.
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- Virtual Flora of El Verde, Puerto Rico
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The El Verde Field Station is located on the northeastern slopes of the Luquillo Mountains and is one of the most active ecological research sites in Puerto Rico and the islands of the Caribbean. A good number of projects at the Station have studied different aspects of forest dynamics, all of which require correct identification of plant species. The Virtual Flora of the El Verde Field Station is an interactive resource that contains information on over 614 species of vascular plants that have been reported for the area. The website includes more than 3,100 photographs illustrating useful characteristics for identifying plants in the field, and complete descriptions of over 200 species of trees. The Virtual Flora includes interactive keys (currently only PC-compatible), approximately 1,500 images of herbarium specimens, and a glossary of botanical terms. The Virtual Flora of El Verde constitutes the first phase for a more encompassing virtual flora of the entire El Yunque National Forest and the island of Puerto Rico. The UPRRP Herbarium is a repository of preserved vascular plants, bryophytes, algae and fungi that are available for studies in taxonomy, systematics, natural history, ecology, biogeography, genetics, ethnobotany, and other topics. Not only do we have an excellent representation of the flora of Puerto Rico, we also have numerous specimens from many other islands of the Caribbean Basin. The UPRRP Herbarium is operated by the Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico.
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- Flora of St John, U.S. Virgin Islands
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site presents a PDF of the Flora of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands by Pedro Acevedorodríguez and collaborators (Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden: 78: 1581. (1996).
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- Flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site presents in PDF format three important publications by Pedro Acevedo-Rodriguez on the Flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and the watercolor illustrations and specimens of Dr. Agustín Stahl (1842-1917), the earliest renowned Puerto Rican scientist.
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- Flora of the West Indies
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This website presents a checklist of the currently accepted scientific names of seed plants from the West Indies, including synonomy and distribution by island. The list also provides the common names used throughout the region, the conservation status of the species, images when available, information on the typification of the scientific names, and specimen data.
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- The Flora of Cuba
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Cuba Checklist is a database using the EDIT Platform, published as a PDF available here.
The dynamically updated database portal is available here.
There is a high number of endemic species among those covered by the checklist.
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- Vascular Plants of the Americas
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Vascular Plants of the Americas (VPA) website contains the first integrated assessment of all known native species of vascular plants in the New World. It includes 128,716 species in 6,227 genera, and 355 families (Jan. 2019). The species number corresponds to ~33% of the 383,671 vascular plant species known globally. The website includes country/region occurrence for each species. This list is a work in progress and updates are posted regularly on the website.
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- Flora Mesoamerica
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Brazilian Flora 2020
- WFO Status: partially imported into the WFO
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- Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora de Nicaragua
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora de Panama
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora de Colombia
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
Flora de Colombia website includes PDFs of the 31 monographs of the Flora de Colombia series. A search into the Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL) is available at Portal Flora de Colombia.
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Northern America
- New England
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Go Botany is a four-year project funded by the National Science Foundation and aims to open plant study to a larger and more diverse segment of the population.
Simple descriptions for the plants of New England can also be found here.
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- Flora of Southern and Mid-Atlantic States
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Flora of Southern and Mid-Atlantic States No descriptions but includes keys, distribution notes, and substantial notes on each species.
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- Flora of North Central Texas Online
- WFO Status: not yet imported
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- Midatlantic Herbarium Consortium (including data from the Morton Arboretum)
- WFO Status: not yet imported
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- Tennessee and Kentucky Plant Atlas
- WFO Status: not yet imported
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- Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest has formal botanical descriptions but lots of descriptive materials and good identification guide prepared by the Nature Conservancy.
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- The Jepson eflora of California
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Jepson eflora online included a comprehensive list of native and naturalized plants of California, including descriptions, photos, and distribution maps.
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- Vascular Plants of the Americas
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Vascular Plants of the Americas (VPA) website contains the first integrated assessment of all known native species of vascular plants in the New World. It includes 128,716 species in 6,227 genera, and 355 families (Jan. 2019). The species number corresponds to ~33% of the 383,671 vascular plant species known globally. The website includes country/region occurrence for each species. This list is a work in progress and updates are posted regularly on the website.
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- Flora Mesoamerica
- WFO Status: pending import into the WFO
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- Flora of Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Flora North America
- WFO Status: imported into the WFO
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- Moorea Digital Flora Project
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The Moorea Digital Flora Project an online resource on the flora of the island of Moorea, French Polynesia. It contains: Photographs and Descriptions of Moorean Plants, with an emphasis on common plants be they native, naturalized, or cultivated. A list of all pteridophyte species known to grow on Moorea, including pictures of living specimens taken in the field. Herbarium specimens from the University and Jepson Herbaria at the University of California at Berkeley were used when field pictures were not available. A Diagnostic Key to Pteridophytes of Moorea is gives as well as a section on the Ethnobotanical Uses of Pteridophytes. A checklist of all seed plants known from Moorea - 347 species to date. This information is derived from several sources: collections known from the UC Herbarium and the Bishop Museum, F. Raymond Fosberg's unpublished list of plants seen in herbaria and in person, Stan Welsh's Flora Societensis, some published collections by Jacques Florence from his Flore de la Polynésie Française vols. 1 and 2, and photographs from reliable sources.
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- Flora of Micronesia
- WFO Status: not yet imported
The primary goal of this site is to provide a flexible query tool to access information on Micronesian vascular plants from a taxonomic or geographical perspective at a variety of levels of detail. Site queries will produce a simple checklist with island distribution information. Continued efforts to optimize the capabilities of the site will add greater detail such as currently available on the Hawaiian and Marquesan Flora websites, but within an enhanced data structure. As a dynamic product, the site is designed to serve as the foundation of forthcoming comprehensive online Pacific Oceanic Flora web resource.
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- - Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie
- WFO Status: not yet imported
Le site est consacré à la flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Son objectif est de faire connaître toute l'étendue et la spécificité de la biodiversité de Nouvelle-Calédonie : les espèces natives (endémiques et indigènes) des milieux terrestres, marins et des eaux douces.
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- Flora of the Hawaiian Islands
- WFO Status: not yet imported
This site includes the ‘Hawaiian Vascular Plant Updates: A Supplement to the Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai’I and Hawai’I’s Ferns and Fern Allies’ (2012).
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