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European Botanic Gardens Consortium

There are around 800 botanic gardens in Europe and in most countries these are linked through national botanic garden networks.

Representatives of the national networks come together in the European Botanic Gardens Consortium, of which BGCI is the convenor. The Consortium was established in 1994 to plan Europe-wide initiatives for botanic gardens, especially within the context of implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other European biodiversity policies and strategies.

The Consortium consists of representatives of all EU member countries, along with Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Consortium meets twice yearly, with meetings being hosted by member gardens.

The Consortium acts as a valuable conduit for information flow and co-operation between the national associations of botanic gardens as well as between individual institutions. As well as organising regular European Botanic Gardens Congresses (Eurogard), the Consortium has also promoted and helped to lead other significant international initiatives, such as the IPEN — the International Plant Exchange Network.

Find out more at http://​www​.botan​ic​gar​dens​.eu

Visit European Botanic Gardens Consortium’s website.

Located in: Geneva, Switzerland

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