Flora Malesiana Foundation
Flora Malesiana (FM) is an international flora project aiming to name, describe and inventory the complete vascular plant flora of Malesia, the region including Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea. The Malesian biodiversity hotspot harbours a staggering vascular plant diversity estimated at more than 45,000 species.
Find out more at https://floramalesiana.org/
The family treatments are not published in a systematic order but as they come available by the scientific efforts of some 100 collaborators all over the world. Each family treatment contains keys for identification, descriptions of the recognized taxa from family to variety, and a large amount of information (with literature references) on, e.g., taxonomy, variability, synonymy, typification, distribution, habitats and ecology, morphology and anatomy, phytochemistry, and uses. Attention is given in the first place to the indigenous species but non-native, cultivated or escaped species are also treated (described and keyed out) or at least mentioned. Drawings and photographs illustrate the treatments, and as a general rule at least one species of each native genus has a full-page drawing.
List of available online Family treatments https://floramalesiana.org/new/families-treated/
Visit Flora Malesiana Foundation’s website.
Located in: Leiden, Netherlands
Associated WFO Contacts:
- Eric Smets (Council Member, Taxonomic Working Group Member)